Compounding on these issues, the governmentshut down public daycares, subjecting mothers – who already experience discrimination in the workforce – to juggle childcare and work, steepening the relative cost of healthcare significantly. In May, during a protest by students from the Mactumactzá Rural Normal School in the state of Chiapas, the authorities detained 97 people. Of these, 74 were women, some of whom reported being subjected to sexual violence by police officers. «Violence against women continues to be a challenge in the country and constitutes a public health problem,» the president of the national statistics agency INEGI, Graciela Marquez, told a news conference on Tuesday. The National Development Plan (2013 – 2018) for the first time mainstreams gender equality and women’s empowerment in all its areas, and the National Gender Equality Policy (2013 – 2018) is focused on advancing substantive equality. The federal budget earmarked for equality among men and women reached USD 1, 65 billion in 2015, which represents a 157% increase, but it represents only 0.5% of public spending.

The law called for government officials to take a gendered perspective toward victims and created the Gender Alert, a set of government emergency actions to confront and eradicate femicide violence in a specific territory. And Ecatepec’s government created a Women’s Justice Center in 2016 to provide women with access to free legal assistance. Yet despite the progressiveness of these initiatives, cases like the murder of a young woman in a local meat shop in 2017 suggest that they fall short in addressing the violence.

An in-depth report by news site Página3 further notes that the government’s planlacks proprietary funding, meaning that each agency that participates in the program has to cover the costs of implementing, operating and monitoring its own projects. His government, for example, has changed the way the state provides support for parents of young children. In Mexico, as in much of the world, women are often expected to bear most of the responsibility for raising children.

In August 2020, the López Obrador government recognized the committee’s jurisdiction to consider cases from Mexico, allowing families of victims to submit cases to the committee once they have exhausted their legal options domestically. In November 2019, the Senate named Rosario Piedra Ibarra to head the National Human Rights Commission . Many human rights defenders called her appointment unconstitutional, saying that, as a former senior member of the president’s party, she is too close to the administration to be autonomous and apolitical. As a result of the commission’s work, the General Law for Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence was signed in 2007. Moreover, over the past seven years, the killing of minors has been on the rise for both girls and boys.

  • But when women in Mexico protest government inaction, we are not only enraged about the daily violences we face, but also the systemic institutional failure that has become a pervasive characteristic of Mexican politics vis-à-vis women and girls.
  • At one point in Ecatepec, a city of two million people, 10 times more women have been murdered than in Ciudad Juárez, the city in northern Mexico once considered the deadliest city in the world, where femicides drew international attention in the early 2000s.
  • He was replaced in January 2021 by Mónica Vergara, who led the U-17 squad to the 2018 FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup final.
  • Led by Alicia Vargas, Mexico placed third in the 1970 Women’s World Cup, a tournament FIFA has yet to acknowledge.

Liga MX Femenil is particularly popular with younger audiences, which Gutiérrez said was one of their larger sources of leverage. She knows they have to continuously ask themselves what they need to build that players will find attractive, thus the emphasis on becoming a big global brand.


Arranging themselves across the uneven pavement, each woman took turns sharing the stories of women who were slain in Ecatepec. Between 2010 and 2011, only four percent of femicide cases resulted in sentences in the country. In the years following the Mexican Revolution, visual images of la chica moderna, the modern woman, au courant in appearance and attitude, popped up in mass… In A City on a Lake Matthew Vitz tracks the environmental and political history of Mexico City and explains its transformation from a forested, water-rich…

Señorita Two is always positive, polite, socially competent and sure-footed, mature, and adept. She manages the work progress daily, mediates potential and actual conflicts, gives overall direction, reports back to my wife and me regularly and lets me know when I should pay for work done. Work With UsIf you are talented and passionate about human rights then Amnesty International wants to hear from you. Local organizations reported that from August onwards the authorities carried out unlawful deportations at the border with Guatemala of Central Americans and Haitians detained in the Mexican interior or at the US border. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and OHCHR condemned the excessive use of force by the INM and the National Guard against thousands of Haitians seeking to leave the state of Chiapas.


From 2006 to 2021, authorities reported having found at least 4,000 mass graves. Nowadays, it is increasingly common to see female participants within groups of voladores.

Mexico: LineUp

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called on Mexican authorities to immediately release Verónica Razo Casales, held in pretrial detention since 2011, and convicted by a federal judge in December 2021. She had been arbitrarily detained and tortured with rape by members of the Federal Police. In June, police in the city of León, state of Guanajuato, detained dozens of people for not wearing masks, without taking measures to prevent Covid-19 infection during the arrests.1 Several were held for several hours before being brought before a judge. Disappearances began during the Mexican authorities’ so-called dirty war against revolutionary movements of the 1960s to 1980s. She joined the growing number of mothers who have formed nationwide associations that comb the countryside for clandestine graves that might hold their children’s remains. Thousands of women in Mexico have spent Mother’s Day marching in the nation’s sprawling capital, chanting and carrying pictures of their missing relatives, to demand accountability amid a worsening surge in violence.

In contrast, minors account for 6.9 per cent of total female homicides and 3.6 per cent of male homicides. The proportion of female homicides identified as femicides has grown steadily in recent years. In 2021, more than a quarter of the 3,750 women killed in Mexico were classified as femicides. To address the great nuance underlying women’s access to healthcare in Mexico, we convened a panel of experts that addressed the current state of the problem, its differential impacts between rural and urban and indigenous communities, and the areas for improvement. WGH Mexico has been participating actively in the WGH activities, in the Latin American region and globally. In 2021 with the support of the civil society organization , the University of Miami and the WGH Chile, we coordinated a panel with the formers Ministers of Health of Latin America called “Mujeres líderes en la salud global, equidad y salud en America Latina” . Former female Ministers of Health from the Latin American region participated.

Reasons given for eating ice were thirst, to cool down, and enjoyment of its texture. Women who exhibited pica behavior were much more likely to report eating ice if they lived inBakersfield, which is very hot in the summer (10 of 36 women, or 28%), than if they lived in Santa Ana (8 of 102 women, or 8%) or Los Angeles (0%). If the 12women who ate only ice were removed from the count, then the percentage of USwomen who reported engaging in pica behavior would drop from 31% to 23% —lower but still substantial. Today, Navarrete is a member of Invisibles Somos Visibles , a collective that uses performance art to denounce femicide. The collective puts on performances throughout the state dramatizing the stories of local women who have been killed.

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